If you thought learning to read well only happened in grade school, then think again. Get ready, get set, read!
This 233 page handbook by Mr. Pitkin is designed to teach the reader how to get the most out of reading. There are chapters on the causes of poor reading, the improvement of word habits, and how to skim. Practice useful exercises for reading anything from light fiction to the most factual business reports.
“Perhaps you can find only one hour daily for reading. Even so, see what you can accomplish! On this modest basis you can read: 8 books of the light type, 17 books of average difficulty, 10 books of solid reading, 5 books requiring close study. Or a total of 40 books a year.”
Surely such a practice is worthwhile, for “A man will gladly sweat two hours a day for years in order to excel at tennis. And, having achieved this excellence, all he can do is beat his friends in the innocent art of swatting a rubber ball over a net.” Proper and improper reading positions are clearly illustrated. A dapper outfit and well-combed hair will add to your reading pleasure.
The practice pages for high-speed reading are very poetical and accompanied by this caution: “Warning! Do not look at the following pages except under test conditions. If you do look at them accidentally, you will have to ask somebody to prepare another set of phrases to be used in testing your skill of perception.”